Starting tmux over SSH on olimex with kitty term
I wanted to connect to my olimex from my arch linux desktop. ssh is working nicely but after sshing in I could not tmux as xterm-kitty (my terminal is kitty) is not recognized.
olimex@a64-olinuxino:~$ tmux
missing or unsuitable terminal: xterm-kitty
The solution was to set my local arch TERM
variable to something more universally compatible. ChatGPT suggested xterm-256color. I could do something like this and put together a script in my ~/bin folder:
export TERM=xterm-256color
ssh olimex
This would be my default approach but ChatGPT made the suggestion of putting it in an alias in my ~/.bashrc
. I don’t know why, but this is something I never considered. And to be honest, I quite like it. For scripts that are extremely small it makes sense to have an alias instead of a full blown script in my custom bin folder.
Implementing the Solution
Implementing the solution is as simple as adding this alias to my ~/.bashrc
alias ssholimex='export TERM=xterm-256color; ssh olimex'
For completeness I also added an entry to my ~/.ssh/config
Host olimex
HostName 192.168.###.###
User olimex
SendEnv TERM