Setting Up Wireguard Site to Site VPN

- 9 mins read
Problem I want to connect my home and my parents’ house. For the time being I only need to access resources on their network. The best solution for this is to use a site-to-site vpn and use masquerading to facilitate communication on their network. Solution To solve this I need dynamic dns setup and two pis connected via ethernet to the router at each house. DDNS First I need to be able to get the ip address for either house from anywhere in the world.

Setting Up a Headless Pi Camera

- 7 mins read
Problem I have a pi camera already setup. It watches my 3D printer and I can check its webpage from anywhere to see if the print is done. The problem is that I had recently bought a Pi Zero 2 W with the idea that I would make it a “pireguard” device. This device would act as the vpn endpoint between my house and my parent’s house. However, after buying it, I thought that I would like the pireguard device to be plugged into the network via ethernet.

Taking Apart Once Human Game Files

- 23 mins read
Problem My buddy’s birthday is coming up and he’s really gotten into Once Human recently. If you don’t know, this is an apocalyptic, zombie shoot and loot game with pet slaves and base building. I played with him for a while and we had a great time! While considering what to get him for his birthday, I decided that 3D printing a figure from the game would be perfect. However, the game’s models are not publically available.

Migrating Blog From Google Buckets to Github

- 5 mins read
Problem I’m a big fan of google buckets. You drop your hugo public folder in a bucket, point the DNS servers to that bucket and your done. Static website is live! However, this only works for non secure HTTP. If I want HTTPS I need to pay google monthly for certificate signing and redirecting. I don’t want to pay for a static website. If I’m paying for webhosting I’ll just run my own droplet with full control over everything on Digital Ocean.

3D Printing Holders for my Ultrasonic Cleaner

- 5 mins read
Problem I bought myself a resin 3D printer (the Uniformation GKTwo) both for hobby and hopefully for commercial printing. I also have a previously purchased Crest ultrasonic cleaner (P500H). When I print 3D parts the LCD cures each layer in a specific pattern, however, when removing it from the printer it will have residual uncured resin all over the model. I initially wash this in isopropyl alcohol, however, that won’t get all the resin.

Reverse Engineering My Label Printer

- 11 mins read
Problem It’s finally time to do the write up for this project. This project has been going on for a quite a few months and it’s finally at a place where I am happy to call it finished. There are still a few features that could be implemented but I’m more than happy with where it is at the moment and am willing to bench the project for now. As usual, I’ll start with a description of the problem.

Plasma Global Shortkeys

- 1 min read
Problem One of my preferred shortkeys coming from windows is the Windows + I key combo. This opens up the system settings. I find it’s lacking in default Plasma. Along with this shortkey, I would like to add global shortkeys that open up specific web urls. Solution After some digging I found the shortkey setting to open up the settings. It’s located at Workspace > Shortcuts > System Settings > Display Configuration.

Wifi on Raspberry Pi 3

- 1 min read
Problem Getting wifi working on the Raspberry Pi 3 B+ Solution My regular approach is to get things working through wpa_supplicant and dhcpd but the Raspbian lite OS doesn’t come with dhcpd installed. So we need to do it with NetworkManager. To list all available wifi networks: nmcli dev wifi connect to your network: nmcli dev wifi connect YourNetworkSSID password YourNetworkPassword Ensure you autoconnect on reboot: nmcli con show YourNetworkSSID | grep autoconnect Look for yes on the connection.
Problem I swapped the outputs for my monitors and since then I need to regularly go to Settings > Display and Monitor > Display Configuration > Change Screen Priorities. Solution I added xrandr --output DP-2 --primary to /usr/share/sddm/scripts/Xsetup. This didn’t seem to help as the primary window was still the vertical DP-1 window after reboot. Then I found a solution that seems so bizzare I had to write up a post.

Display Manager Query

- 1 min read
Problem This one is a short one. I always forget what my display manager is and when i run into issues on my Wayland system I typically will need to search how to find out what display manager I’m using. So this time i’m just going to make a quick post so I ‘remember’. Solution systemctl status display-manager This will spit out the service that’s handling display